Wednesday 30 July 2014

Home Page

The 1960 Bruce Rock Mob

This ‘web’ site was prompted by the reunion of the 1960 Grade 1 Bruce Rock Primary/Junior High/District High School cohort – very kindly organised by ‘classmates’ Kylie Whitehead and Greg Rutherford.

Fourteen former classmates (and one of their teachers) and half a dozen ‘hangers on’ (spouses) joined the festivities over the weekend of 25/26 July 2014.  Everyone had a real hoot with some ongoing relationships revitalised and some old relationships re-established.

The main activity of the entire weekend was talking and reminiscing – and then we talked some more.  However, while talking we managed to take a walk along the historic main street, visit the wonderfully well organised and comprehensive museum, summit Bruce's Rock, undertake a visit to the cemetery, get soaked in the pouring rain at the pool, drive past the 'little school', search out the former homes of various classmates, check out the drive-in (or where it was), visit the Ambulance Sub-station, patronise the Bruce Rock District Club and do a comprehensive walk-through of the 'big school'.

Please feel free to add to these pages in both text and photos – we would like it to grow and eventually morph into a little printed booklet that we can distribute to interested parties.  Contact Kylie Whitehead for more information.