Saturday, 26 July 2014

2024 - Walk Along Johnson Street and Museum Visit


Once breakfast was consumed most of us went for a wander down memory lane while looking at the various shops and sights along the way.

The ‘new’ Bruce Rock War Memorial has been considerably expanded and made a wonderful feature of the town.  The groups recognised include the two main World Wars, the Fuzzy Wuzzy from PNG, Salvation Army, Red Cross, various peacekeeping missions, Vietnam, Nashos and the various women’s auxiliary services.

There are also some informative displays about the local indigenous peoples and the fact that they recognised six separate seasons – first summer (Dec - Jan), second summer (Feb – Mar), autumn (Apr – May), winter (Jun – Jul), first spring (Aug – Sep) and second spring (Oct – Nov).  They clearly knew a lot more about these lands than our early settlers.


L-R - Janet and Lynette McGellin


Like our 2014 reunion, we made a visit the Bruce Rock Museum.  A lot of work has been done over the last 10 years.  The museum is housed in the old NSW Bank and last time we saw some interesting displays in the old banking chamber and associated rooms.

Since then, the bank manager’s house has been renovated and set up as various period rooms – like the lounge, dining, kitchen and whatnot.  And out the back was an audio-visual room, a late 19th century mud brick cottage, a mid-20th century school room, a workshop, a saddle making facility and other things.

We thank Kathleen Schilling and Cecily Aurisch  from the historical society for opening up especially for us and putting on a scrumptious morning tea.

L-R - Cecily Aurisch, Kathleen Schilling

L-R - Kylie Whitehead, Lorraine Perry

One AV room - projectors probably from the old picture theatre at Durham Hall

The other AV room - who can remember typewriters?

Thanks again to the Museum volunteers

Oh great . . . more food!

This all looks pretty familiar

This scribe wasn't from BK - but our kitchen looked just like this one!

Fine dining in the 1950s - just you watch, it will come back into fashion

Who remembers when they got their first TV!

And speaking of relics - this Bruce Rock Co-Op thermometer stills hangs at our place at the coast in Victoria.

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