Wednesday 30 July 2014

2 - 1960 Bruce Rock Cohort

Original 1960 Class at the 'Little School'
Front Row Standing:  Valma Barrow, ??, James Symes, Brian Watson, Gary Anderson, Colleen Clark, Brian Deadman, Greg Rutherford, ??, James Brown?
Middle Row Sitting:  Irene Bristow, Steven Cornell, Jebbe Jones, Peter Pascoe, Janet McNaughton (Teacher), Kerry Blunsden, Linda Giles, Kay Ryan, Jenny Simmonds, Brian Spragg?
Front Row Sitting:  Hilary Butler, Lance Williams, Lorraine Phillips, Michael Nunn, John Negri, Lynette McGellin, Peter Fletcher, Ian Dalton, Pauline Shenfield, Lorraine Perry

Absent:  Kylie Whitehead, Sue Butler

Uncertain:   Frances Bunney,  Ron Clarkson, Janet McGellin

[Let us know if you can identify anyone else or help us with 'uncertains']

Bruce Rock JHS Coat of Arms

This is the ‘complete’ known list of students who were either in the 1960 Grade 1 intake or those who joined the cohort at some stage . . . but please let us know if anyone is missing and if there are any errors and/or omissions.

    Anderson, Gary
    Andrejuk, Helen
    Barrow, Valma
    Blunsden, Kerrie
    Bristow, Irene
    Brown, James 
    Buller, Ann  
    Buller, Janet 
    Bunney, Frances
    Butler, Hilary  
    Butler, Sue
    Catchpole, Steven
    Clark, Colleen
    Clarkson, Ron
    Cornell, Stephen
    Dalton, Ian  
    Deadman, Brian  
    Fletcher, Peter  
    Fuchsbichler, Patricia
    Garlett, Noel (Dec)
    Giles, Linda  
    Green, Scott
    Hanlon, John  
    Harman, Kerry  
    Hobley, Moya
    Iwanhow, Peter
    Jones, Jebbe  
    Keamy, Greg  
    Kilkenny, Michael 
    Little, Robyn 
    McGellin, Janet
    McGellin, Lynette  
    Negri, John
    Noterangelo, Leda  
    Nunn, Glenda
    Nunn, Michael
    Pascoe, Peter 
    Perry, Lorraine  
    Phillips, Lorraine  
    Rutherford, Greg  
    Ryan, Kay (Dec)  
    Shenfield, Pauline  
    Simmonds, Jenny  
    Smythe, ??
    Spragg, Brian  
    Stacevich,Gary (Dec)
    Symes, James  
    Turner, Ann  
    Turner, Rae
    Urbaniak, John  
    Walsh, Robert  
    Watson, Brian  
    Whitehead, Kylie
    Williams, Lance  
    Williams, Stephen



    1. There was one student who came here for only one year... from the Safety Bay/Rockingham area. No-one at the reunion (other than me) remembered his being here and my recollection of his name is ...blurred. I have the idea it was Smith spelled with a Y.. like Smyth... but I'm not 100%. Anyone have info to add??? He was here for 2nd/3rd year High.

    2. Found the name of one of the Mob..... the girl between Gary Anderson and Brian Deadman, in the back row.... Linda Giles gave the clue: her name is Colleen and she lived on one of Greg McGellin's farms out towards Belka..... I bailed up John McGellin in the main street and he said the family's name was Clark..... Colleen Clark.
