Monday 28 July 2014

14 - 1960 Bruce Rock Quiz

The Quiz

Ancient History
1.       The dialect (1) and group (1) of the original inhabitants of this area
2.       The indigenous meanings of Belka (1) and Babakin (1)
Natural History
3.       Kokerbin Hill’s geomorphological claim to fame (1)
4.       Babakin is noted for what rare flora (1)
European Settlement History
5.       The original European name (or names) of Bruce Rock (1)
6.       The town is named after Mr Bruce – what were his first two names (2) and what did he do here in 1879? (1)
7.       Year the town was gazetted (1)
8.       Original, official name of the ‘shire’ (1)
9.       Year the heritage listed shire office building opened (1)
More Recent History
10.   The two most common family names at the Bruce Rock cemetery (1)
11.   The famous Australian artist born in Bruce Rock (1)
12.   The six shire wards that existed in 1960 (6)
13.   Year the ‘memorial pool’ opened (1) and what does it commemorate? (1)
14.   Year the Bruce Rock Memorial Hospital opened (1)
15.   Year the Bruce Rock District High School opened (1)
16.   The cost of one share in the Bruce Rock Brickworks Ltd in 1955 (1)
17.   Names of the Doctor and Matron in 1954 (2)
18.   Year the ‘new Bruce Rock Railways Station’ opened (1)
19.   Shire President in 1960 – could be a trick question! (1)
20.   Which families operated what is now Masons store (1) and shoe shop (1) in 1960
21.   Bruce Rock (town) population in 1961 (1) and 2014 (1)
Imperial Measurements (used in 1960!)
22.   Distance from Bruce Rock to Perth – in miles (1)
23.   Elevation of Bruce Rock (above sea level) – in feet (1)
24.   Average max and min temperatures of Bruce Rock – in Fahrenheit (2)
25.   Average rainfall at Bruce Rock – in points (1)
26.   How many bushels of wheat in a bag? (1)
Our School - 1960
27.   Principal of the school when we were in Grade 1 (1)
28.   Common name of the big tree(s) (near the toilet block/bike racks) (1)
29.   Director of Education in WA (hint – first page of our reports) (1)
30.   What playground equipment was in the old primary school? (3)
31.   Our Grade 1 report books used G, S, C and E to describe our performance – what do these letters mean (4)
Living in 1960
32.   Premier of WA (1)
33.   Leader of the WA Opposition (1)
34.   Governor of WA (1)
35.   WAFL team that won the grand final (1)
36.   Cost of a postage stamp in pence (1)
37.   Price of gallon of petrol – in shillings (1)
38.   Artist/group who spent the longest at #1 of the ‘hit parade’ (1)
39.   Who played drums (1) and who played bass (1) for the Beatles (be careful!)?
40.   Best Picture at the Academy Awards (1)

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