Wednesday, 30 July 2014

2014 - School Daze

The only criteria for photos to be included in this section are that they were taken roughly around the time we were at school – so please keep the photos coming and we’ll happily load them to this page.   

From John Urbaniak 

Would you have guessed these things about me?
  1. I was a bit of a naive ratbag in year 8 but settled down after that
  2. My given name at birth was Jan
  3. I was sports mad
  4. I was good mates with Gary Starcevich, John Hanlon, Gary Harman and Robbie Lachowicz
  5. I was one of the shortest in my class
  6. I won the high jump in year 10
  7. I was faction captain of blue
  8. I went to the convent school in primary years
  9. After completing my junior certificate I joined the post office in Bruce rock

Six Years Old

Premiers Police Boys Team 1967 or 68 - Back Row: Malcolm Higgins, Brian Watson, Greg Tomlinson, Gary Harman, John Urbaniak - Middle Row: Ray Gidgup, Robert Butcher - Front Row: Milton Sedgewick

From Susan Butler

International Events During Our School Days

Irene Bristow and Her Sisters

Irene Bristow, Susan Butler - High School Dance
Susan Butler - Dress-Ups When Irene Stayed Over

More International Events in Our Time

Member of the Tree Society

Moya Hobley, Susan Butler, Kerry Harman - High School Dance

Susan Butler's School Tie

Class Timetable - 3rd Year
One of Many Exams

Invitation from the Kulin Prefects

Classmate's Signatures

Susan Butler With Her Dad - High School Dance

Susan Butler About 12 Years Old

From Lorraine Perry

Grade 1 Photo

Remember These?

Lorraine and Colin Perry - Christmas 1963

From Linda Giles

Linda's Birthday Party - Anne Buller, Valerie Giles, Hilary Butler, Moya Hobley, Lorraine Phillips, Linda Giles, Janet Buller & Lynette McGellin

End of Year Social - Hilary Butler, Irene Bristow, Moya Hobley & Linda Giles

Linda Giles

From Janet Buller

This is a photo from Janet Buller (Jan Medwin) of her, Lynette McGellin and Kerry Harman at the High School.  It was probably taken in First Year because the skirts are still at a “respectable” level and 'minis' have yet to fully stamp their mark.

Bruce Rock Trio - Janet Buller, Lynette McGellin & Kerry Harman

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including my bits and pieces. I have sent an email, Kylie. :)
