Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Home Page

The 1960 Bruce Rock Mob - 2014

This ‘web’ site was prompted by the July 2014 reunion of the 1960 Grade 1 Bruce Rock Primary/Junior High/District High School cohort – very kindly organised by ‘classmates’ Kylie Whitehead and Greg Rutherford.

Since then, two other reunions have been held – one in November 2014 and the other in October 2024.  This site has been modified to cover all three reunions.

Initial 2014 Reunion

The initial reunion was attended by 14 former classmates (and one of their teachers) and half a dozen ‘hangers on’ (spouses) and was held over the weekend of 25/26 July 2014.  Everyone had a real hoot with some ongoing relationships revitalised and some old relationships re-established.

The main activity of the entire weekend was talking and reminiscing – and then we talked some more.  However, while talking we managed to take a walk along the historic main street, visit the wonderfully well organised and comprehensive museum, summit Bruce's Rock, undertake a visit to the cemetery, get soaked in the pouring rain at the pool, drive past the 'little school', search out the former homes of various classmates, check out the drive-in (or where it was), visit the Ambulance Sub-station, patronise the Bruce Rock District Club and do a comprehensive walk-through of the 'big school'.

Second 2014 Reunion

The second 2014 reunion was held in November in Perth, kindly hosted by John Urbaniak and his wife Sue and was scheduled to coincide with Michael Kilkenny’s trip to Perth from his home in Queensland.

2024 Reunion

Some 19 former classmates and 9 spouses/hangers on made the trip back to Bruce Rock to celebrate the fact that we all turned 70!  We are again thankful for Kylie Whitehead and Greg Rutherford making this event happen – they did nearly all the organising, herding of participants, food preparation and acting as tour guides.

Please feel free to add to these pages in both text and photos.  If there is sufficient interest, we will issue another printed booklet to interested parties for the cost of preparation and postage.  Contact Kylie Whitehead for more information.

2014 - Weekend Itinerary & Participants

Johnson Street - Bruce Rock

Weekend Itinerary
Friday 25th July
18:30 – Early birds dinner at the Bruce Rock District Club

Saturday 26th July
10:00 - 11:00  Arrival, welcome and morning tea at the Shire Hall supper room (home base)
11:00 - 12:30  Main street walk, visit museum and retail therapy
12:30 - 14:00  Lunch at 'home base'
14:00 - 17:00  'Town highlights' car convoy
17:00 - 18:00  St John Ambulance Sub-station
18:00 - 19:00  Drinks at the Bruce Rock District Club
19:00 - late  Dinner, quiz and even more talking at ‘home base’

Sunday 27th July
08:00 - 09:00  Breakfast at ‘home base’ 
09:00 - 10:30  Walk around the 'big school'
  10:30 - 11:30  Morning tea and some departures
 12:00 Lunch at 'home base'

Weekend Participants
Janet Buller
Ian Dalton
Peter Fletcher
Linda Giles (and Fred McGlashan)
John Hanlon
Kerry Harman (and Kevin Townsend)
Lynette McGellin
Leda Noterangelo (and Neil Chapman)
Peter Pascoe
Lorraine Perry (and Neil Perry)
Lorraine Phillips (and Ray Wilson)
Greg Rutherford (and Glenis)
John Urbaniak
Kylie Whitehead
Tony Martin – teacher